This is a portrait of my ancestor. My grandpa to be precise. I made it by photoshop and then printed on a material that looks like canvas. This is actually a first picture of mine that will furnish someone's house. The portrait of an ancestor is also a great example of what I can do for everyone. I uploaded some pictures of canvas so you can see it's construction.

Yeah, I like this "painting" , but have you ever tryied to paint something in real not in Photoshop ? I'm curious to know how would it look like :) I'm not saying that this pictures are not good ( cuz they're all VERY good) but why don't you try something diffrent ? Keep drawing and I'm looking foward for your new drawings and paintings .
I also thought about going real but for this you have to have a lot of equipment. I live in a flat and it is impossible for me to make one extra room for painting (oil paint and all those chemicals smell) so it would be better to make one room somewhere else or go outside. Time is against me too :)
Ohhh, Il live in a flat too. But really you don't need so much equipment. Brushes are not taking so much place , even if you'd have a lot of them ;)Anyway it's reallllllly expensive :( Going outside is very good idea 'couse you have A LOT of space for your imagination ;) Of course if you're painting from memory . For me drawing ( becouse I love drawing , painting is not my job ;D ) outside is really good 'couse you can find a lot of things that you can put in your draiwng . I wish I could have an extra room for my
" art stuff" but it's impossible:(
So my room is full of brushes , paper not finished pictures , pencils etc.... I often skech so i don't need much place . Anyway you can also try to change your room into art factory- like I did .
Ok I'm keeping fingers cross and looking foward to see new effects of your imagination :)
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