Friday, 31 December 2010
Another Landscape 004...
Another landscape in CS5. This time i used more techniques i saw in Tom Scholes livestreams so the picture looks better and more polished. Working with colors is still a pain for me. Already ordered a book about it.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
001 december
I will try to put here works i do in december. I will try to do anything every day. Lets hope that works. For this piece I used a photo of a decomposed tree (slightly visible near the down right side) as well as some of my personal drawings of trees. Really proud of this one. The original is not square.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
CA impact...
I had my regular CA session today and it inspired me to do some studies of my home fruits and vegetables. Here are some. I used new trial version of CS5 and it is really good. Especially those new features which help selecting objects and content awarenes like in gimp. If I forget to make a new layer for shadow it is now always possible to select everything and replace it. This tomato was inspired by that one by Bumskee from the Ps digitalpainting thread no 2.
As to my painting... I am to lazy to start practicing on canvas.
As to my painting... I am to lazy to start practicing on canvas.

Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Real Ancestor 001...
This is a portrait of my ancestor. My grandpa to be precise. I made it by photoshop and then printed on a material that looks like canvas. This is actually a first picture of mine that will furnish someone's house. The portrait of an ancestor is also a great example of what I can do for everyone. I uploaded some pictures of canvas so you can see it's construction.

Friday, 14 May 2010
As you can probably see, I have no time to draw something new so I will post my older work. This is my personal vision of "the dark one" from the book "Metro 2033". I actually havent read the whole position but my imagination started creating those monsters already. Here you have. I a couple of days i will post a video log.

Thursday, 15 April 2010
Droid Eclair...
I recently became an owner of a Nexus One phone. First thing I wanted to acheive is some personalization done. The second is making my N1 a digitalpainting tool. For this i downloaded a Doodledroid 2.6.1 version (I don't know if it runs only on the newest version of droid operating system (called Eclair)) app for my phone. This program is very good brush tool. Some of his disadvantages is a lack of zoom feature (which effects can be visible below) and that you can turn back only 5 steps (prev version had only one so it is better already). Here you have two first drawings made on my N1.
Aghh this zoom feature!!!
Aghh this zoom feature!!!
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Our ancestors...
Portrait of an ancestor. I can make a portrait like this from a picture. I can also change it slightly or make it totally different (zombie vampire or supernatural like) My work will be done by photoshop and printed. To make it more like a real portrait you can use a cover paint (or let me do it). If you want one just email me for more information rafal_dryzalowski@op.pl
Portret przodka. Na pewno każdy chciałby mieć swojego na ścianie. Przy użyciu tabletu mogę stworzyć podobny ze zdjęcia jakiegoś z waszych przodków. Mogę też urozmaicić je o pewne szczegóły tak aby wyglądali blado, mieli nadludzkie moce, blade oczy itp. Po wydrukowaniu i ewentualnym pomalowaniu lakierem wygląda jak prawdziwy obraz. Co do szczegółów proszę pisać rafal_dryzalowski@op.pl

Portret przodka. Na pewno każdy chciałby mieć swojego na ścianie. Przy użyciu tabletu mogę stworzyć podobny ze zdjęcia jakiegoś z waszych przodków. Mogę też urozmaicić je o pewne szczegóły tak aby wyglądali blado, mieli nadludzkie moce, blade oczy itp. Po wydrukowaniu i ewentualnym pomalowaniu lakierem wygląda jak prawdziwy obraz. Co do szczegółów proszę pisać rafal_dryzalowski@op.pl

Saturday, 3 April 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010
Pictures Landscapes
Pearls from my snowboard trip to Kaprun in Osterreich. You can admire the unmistakeable beauty of magnificen Kilsterhorn peak. This is the place where every snowboarder should visit at least once. They say that there is cold enough even in may. Other pictures show some animated and partialy unanimated beauty of local flora. Fauna was difficult to catch :).

Wednesday, 10 February 2010
18 th...
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
16 and 17...
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Auto 002...
Saturday, 2 January 2010
Auto 001...
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